
Health and Safety Executive

The management of Oakwood Building Contractors recognise the importance of safe working practices and will comply with the:

  • CDM Regulations 2015
  • the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
  • the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (amended 2002)
  • the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (amended 2002)
  • Health and Safety at Work Act etc 1974

Plus all other relevant regulations, together with the Approved Codes of Practice and other applicable legislation and will so far as is reasonably practicable: –

  • Provide and maintain plant and equipment and ensure working practices that are safe and without risk to health.
  • Ensure the correct use, handling, storage and transport of substances and articles at work that are safe and without risk to health.
  • Provide necessary information, instruction, training and supervision.
  • Provide and maintain a safe place of work and ensure safe access to and egress from that place of work together with competent supervision.
  • Provide a working environment that is safe and without risk to health together with suitable welfare facilities.

Environmental Policy Statement

The Oakwood Group regard the promotion of environmental issues as an integral and core part of both management and employee responsibilities, supporting our belief that good Environmental management practice benefits good business performance improvement.

We are committed to uphold these responsibilities and beliefs, and in that pursuit to:

  • Strive for excellence in the provision of services to our Customers, with particular regard to the Environment .
  • Provide adequate, competent resources to ensure the highest standards of Environmental management and practice are achieved at all times.
  • Develop and implement practices, across the supply chain, that prevent pollution, responsibly use resources efficiently, minimise waste, minimise the detrimental impacts that our activities could have upon the environment and minimise CO2 emissions as far as is practicable.
  • Establish and develop sustainable relationships, based on mutual trust, with all parts of the supply team, and respecting the workforce – recognising that integrated teams perform better and safer to everyone’s benefit.
  • Inform, respect and support our local communities and stakeholders – ensuring timely response to complaints from 3rd parties and the reporting of incidents and accidents.
  • The companies directors and managers wholeheartedly support this policy statement. All employees are responsible for playing their part in achieving its objectives.

NHBC Standards

NHBC, (the National House-Building Council), is the standard setting body and leading warranty and insurance provider for new and newly converted homes in the UK. The NHBC’s role is to work with the house-building and wider construction industry to provide risk management services that raise the standards of new homes, and to provide consumer protection to new home buyers.

There are approximately 19,000 house builders and developers on NHBC’s Register (known as registered builders or registered developers), who agree to comply with their Rules and Standards when building new homes.

More than 85% of new homes built in the UK each year are registered with NHBC and benefit from their 10-year warranty and insurance policy called ‘Buildmark’. Around 1.6 million homeowners are currently covered by Buildmark policies, and over the past 40 years, NHBC has protected more than 30% of existing homes in the UK.

To join the Register, the Oakwood Group was vetted for financial and technical competence. The obligations of registration and NHBC procedures are significant. NHBC will only offer registration once it is satisfied, following stringent examination, that a given company can conform to its requirements and have agreed to abide by NHBC Rules.

The Oakwood Group has been registered with NHBC since its incorporation in 1986, both as a builder and a developer. Due to our sound reputation and track record we were upgraded to Premium A1 Rating in 2009. This is reflected in the reduced premiums we have earned for scheme registrations; a benefit that is passed on to our Clients.

Investors in People

At The Oakwood Group we believe that our greatest asset is our staff and, as we provide management expertise, it is essential that their individual and team performance reflects our company values of being enthusiastic, positive and proactive in their approach.

The Oakwood Group is an accredited Investors In People Organisation and take the processes involved in accreditation seriously.

The Investors in People Standard is a business improvement tool designed to advance an organisation’s performance through its people.

The Standard helps organisations to improve performance and realise objectives through the management and development of their people.