Smitham Yard, Leaden Hill, Coulsdon

Smitham Yard, Leaden Hill, Coulsdon


The Oakwood Group negotiated the purchase of this mixed use scheme opportunity, on a subject to planning basis.

The site is situated to the east of Coulsdon Town railway station and presently houses three single storey garages and workshops.

The proposal is for a collection of new mixed-use commercial and residential buildings, comprising of 67 apartments and 474sqm of commercial floorspace.

We see this project as a continuation of the regeneration which we have started in Coulsdon Town Centre and the location provides a logical gateway for a building of this type in townscape terms.

Our extensive public consultation resulted in us gaining the support of the four local Residents’ Associations, Ward Councillors and the Local MP.

Despite this strong local support, the Local Planning Authority disagreed with our assessment of the Site’s planning designation.  This resulted in us submitting an outline planning application in December 2015 to solely focus on the ‘land use’ aspect.  The Officer’s recommendation to approve was eventually secured and a resolution to grant outline consent was awarded by the planning committee in May 2016.

The Reserved Matters application was submitted in October 2016 and a decision was issued on 30 March 2017.

Work commenced on site in January 2018.  Further details to follow.


Leaden Hill, Coulsdon

  • Completed