Affordable Housing and Regeneration

Affordable Housing and Regeneration

Oakwood Building Contractors is a major provider of affordable housing, having achieved in excess of 100 completions last year in conjunction with Registered Providers.

We provide a ‘turnkey’ service, offering purpose designed, high quality, affordable schemes throughout the capital and the home counties.

We have developed an in depth knowledge of the marketplace and from the point of acquisition we work hand in glove with landowners, stakeholders, the local authority and Registered Providers to provide the most economic, sustainable and appropriate use for the site, managing the feasibility and planning process.

The key word is collaboration; we recognise the need to collaborate on all sides of the supply chain.

Essentially we provide management expertise and our greatest asset is our staff so it is essential that their individual and team performance reflects our company values. Every member of the team is enthusiastic, positive and proactive in their approach.

Our exceptional track record demonstrates our ability to deliver quality developments in conjunction with our Housing Association partners.