About Us

About Us


Since our inception in 1986 Oakwood Building Contractors has firmly established itself as a recognised player in the housebuilding and affordable housing industry.

The current management structure has enabled the company to strengthen its reputation and broaden its range of services.

From our head office in Epsom we operate throughout London and the home counties.


We believe in long term business relationships with our Clients and try at every level to demonstrate added value by delivering and sustaining the highest level of service. The desire for continuous improvement is championed by all the Directors who apply an active ‘hands on’ approach to ensure that the highest level of service is maintained.

Our success is derived from maintaining a strong focused disciplined approach underpinned by traditional values and commitment resulting in long term business relationships with our clients.


We are currently involved in a series of major residential and mixed use projects, procuring 100% of the development costs and managing the construction process. We have access to substantial funding and continually scour the market for opportunities to work in partnership with Housing Associations, Speculative Development Companies, Landowners and Funding Institutions.

We play a major role in the delivery of affordable housing working in conjunction with Local Authorities and Registered Providers on wholly affordable developments and in the delivery of s.106 schemes.

A culture of co-operation ensures strong and enduring relationships. We aim to be the first choice for our clients, consultants, staff, suppliers and subcontractors through provision of excellent service and value for money, engaging with the local community, continuously developing our knowledge and skills while building upon our relationships.

We are determined to act as a role model within the industry, setting exceptional standards of Health & Safety, Quality, Value, Delivery and Good Practice

Central to our approach is the continuous improvement of the quality, time and cost of services we provide to clients. These include:

  • Design and construction services
  • In-house technical team
  • Supply chain management
  • Value engineering