Exciting three-storey office building available as part of Milton House scheme
A brand new stand-alone office building is being made available for let or purchase as the high-quality mixed use Milton House scheme in Croydon moves a step closer towards completion.
The shell of the premises, on the corner of Milton Road and Milton Avenue, are being brought to the market by the Oakwood Group, who are delivering a £21million development which will also see the creation of 81 new homes near to the town centre.
Within easy reach of both West Croydon and East Croydon railway stations, the officebuilding consists of almost 1,900 square metres across three floors and comes with permission for B1(c) light industrial use.
The shell of the premises will be available for an incoming tenant to commence their fit-out works in late 2017.
Matt Arnold, director of the Oakwood Group, said: “We are immensely proud and excited to be involved in the transformation of a site which had lain derelict for over a decade.
“By replacing the decaying commercial premises, which had blighted the area, with a high-quality mixed use scheme, we truly believe we are driving the ongoing regeneration of this part of Croydon.”
The premises, which come complete with a dedicated loading bay and four on-site parking bays, are being made available on a new full repairing and insuring lease. However, the freehold interest may also be available.
To find out more, please contact Stuart Edwards Fullermoon’s Croydon office on 020 8688 8313 or visit www.stuart-edwards.com
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